The first step in understanding success is recognizing that the definition is personal and subjective.
What is considered success for one person might not be significant for someone else.
Success should be defined on your terms and aligned with your values.
We are watching the traditional definition of success expand beyond work or professional focus.
My Perspective
I believe we are seeing a transition from success to wellbeing.
The successful life is now a life full of purpose, joy, and passion.
Success is achieved by creating an overall feeling of happiness and goes beyond personal achievements to make positive impacts on others and the world around us.
My Story
The last five years, I’ve used the 8 dimensions of wellbeing as a framework for defining my successful life. I have a vision for each of the areas and intentionally work to move toward that vision.
When the 8 areas feel in balance, I feel more settled and happier. Below is a quick summary of the 8 dimensions.
- Physical– Taking care of our bodies through exercise, nutrition, sleep, and care.
- Emotional – Cultivating self-awareness, emotional resilience, and maintaining a positive mindset.
- Intellectual – Stimulating and expanding our minds to promoting lifelong learning.
- Social – Connecting and nurturing relationships with others and building a support system.
- Environmental – Maintaining a safe, clean, and sustainable environment.
- Occupational – Aligning our skills and passions with our career for a sense of purpose.
- Financial – Effectively managing our financial resources to meet our needs and goals.
- Spiritual – Exploring and nurturing our beliefs, values, and connection to something larger.
Your Turn
Do you believe the definition of success is shifting?
Have you considered the 8 dimensions of wellbeing in your life?
Which of the 8 needs the most attention in the month ahead?
What could you do to bring that area back into alignment?