Some, including myself, will shy away from anything that looks like self-promotion.

We want to stand on the merits of the work we produce.

We aren’t into humble bragging.

When we are leaders, we struggle to highlight our role in the success of the team.

We want their lights to shine… not ours.

Yet, we may be missing out on sharing our gifts with a broader audience.

Our experiences might inspire someone else.

Lead them to their own success.

Giving vs. Touting

Over the years I’ve realized to look at my success (and failures) as a gift to others.

Sharing not only what has been accomplished, but the path to get there.

Or the path back up from something that didn’t go so well.

Instead of highlighting just success or accomplishment, expand with a story.

Others can celebrate success with you.

They can also take something away that might be useful in the future.

Or inspire a new idea today.

The next time you are facing a self-promotion moment, consider your story.

What lessons were learned on the path to success?

Was the path full of collaboration and insight?

Were there bumps along the way where you found an innovative solution?

Focus on your story.

The success will shine through along with a gift the listener can take away as well.

Your Turn

Do you struggle with self-promotion?

How could you remind yourself the next time a success comes along to try this approach?

Can you think of a success in the past year and give the process a try in advance?