We all have challenges setting boundaries sometimes.

Some struggle more than others.

Yet, boundaries make us stronger and our lives more sustainable.

My Perspective

I think that boundaries are much easier if we know what we need and we set rules.

Rules in life make decisions easy.

No Shirt. No Shoes. No Service.

Yield to Oncoming Traffic.

So, what if we created a rulebook of “personal policies” to articulate our boundaries.

Here are some examples:

I don’t accept work commitments during lunch. (I need time to decompress).

I don’t attend meetings after 4pm (I don’t have the energy to participate effectively)

I don’t volunteer at the school more than twice a month because more than that makes me stressed.

I don’t attend parties or events on Sunday because I need time to rest before the week)

I don’t respond to email between 7pm and 9am (a break from work makes my work stronger)

Everyone will have a different policy list.

With rules and your reasons why, we find it easier to hold the boundaries we need.

“Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious, and you get to decide how you use them. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.”

– Anna Taylor

Your Turn

Do you have personal policies?

If you were to create a list, what is the first rule you would add?

Can you find situations today where this rule will come in handy?