Welcome to the Saturday post. This is where I summarize podcasts that inspired me throughout the week and give a quick recap of what was covered on both blogs. Enjoy!


This week, four podcasts caught my attention and made the list. Three of them are a little longer, but worth the listen if you have the time.

5 Things That Happen When You Stop Buying S*** You Don’t Need. 12 minutes. Optimal Finance Daily.   This is a great financial post and has equal application to leading a more sustainable life.

Can Radical Decluttering Significantly Boost Your Happiness? 41 minutes. Ten Percent Happier.  This is a great interview with The Minimalists (Josh & Ryan) who have just released a Netflix documentary.  The interview was a good one and led me to watch the documentary as well.

The Laws of Less. 1 hour 18 minutes. Deep Questions.  In this episode, Cal Newport talks about doing fewer things better.  A commitment to doing less.

Using Sufficiency to Shift Mindset and Finding Creative Solutions to Tackle Climate Change. 29 minutes. Carbon Sessions. The episode dives into a conversation about sufficiency and how this mindset could shift the way companies think about change.

Blog Post Recap

Below is a summary of the blog posts this week with links in case you want to dig in and learn more.  You can also sign up to get the newsletters delivered direct to your inbox at LoriSullivan.com.

Starting a New Job – This post suggests four areas of focus the next time you start a new job – Background, Bond, Benefit, and Behave.

Journaling Isn’t One Size Fits All – Journaling provides many benefits, but there is no “right” way.  Each of us needs to find what works for us.  This post covers four different formats to consider.

A Letter to Your Future Self – With the middle of the year happening this weekend, this post has some ideas to consider that will help set a vision for the rest of the year or many years to come.

National Handshake Day – In honor of National Handshake Day (yes, there is a day for everything), this post takes a look at how we greet one another in a post-pandemic world.

The Upside of Social Media – There is so much press on the negative side of social media, this post celebrates Social Media Day with some of the positive aspects of connecting online.

One Shade Greener Post Recap

If you are interested in learning more about reducing your impact on the environment at home or work, you can sign up to receive messages in your email at One Shade Greener.

Shorter, frequent tips are provided on Instagram  (@1ShadeGreener) Facebook  (@OneShadeGreener) and LinkedIn (@OneShadeGreener).  One Shade Greener at Home can be purchased on Amazon