Welcome to the Saturday recap. Enjoy!

Personal Development   

This week, the posts cover career stories, insights, and titles. There is also a post on imposter syndrome and how we need bravery and courage to avoid regret.

Career Stories. The first post of the week covers the importance of understanding your career stories and how they can be leveraged to set your personal brand and manage your path.

Renting Our Titles. We must always remember that our time at a company and in a role can be fleeting – by our choice or the company. Your title is rented for a time and can be gone in a moment.

Career Insight Chart. Every job we hold has things that we love to do and things that we would prefer not to. Creating a chart highlighting both can start to show red threads across experiences.

What Type of Imposter? I recently learned there are 5 types of imposter syndrome. Seeing them makes so much sense. This post explores all 5 – how to recognize and strategies to overcome.

Bravery Overcomes Regret. This post ladders off a recent podcast and lands on a quote from me on how courage and bravery partner to fend off the feeling of regret.

One Shade Greener

This week, the sustainability post – Conscious Consumption – provides has us thinking about not only physical product consumption, but all the other ways we fill our lives with more than we need and often can become overwhelmed by it all. 

If you are interested in starting or continuing a sustainability journey, One Shade Greener at Home, could be the perfect resource. Full of brands and links to put greener products at your fingertips.


This week there are six podcasts on the list. The topics cover imposter syndrome, ikigai, fitting in, and busy is different from productive. If you pitch and do work, I recommend Give to Grow.

Make it About Them, Not You. 10 minutes. Before Breakfast. This episode talks about how to get over imposter syndrome.

Finding Your Purpose Through Ikigai. 50 minutes. Everyday Better with Leah Smart. In this longer podcast, Tim Tamashiro provides insights from his book How to Ikigai: Lessons for Finding Happiness and Living Your Life’s Purpose.

Give to Grow. 17 minutes. Daily Creative with Todd Henry. For anyone who does work and pitches work, this is a great episode with Mo Bunnell, author of Give to Grow discussing the difference between doing the work and winning the work.

A Paradox: How Do You Stand Out When Standing Out is the Best Way to Fit In? 3 minutes. Little Happier with Gretchen Rubin. A bit of a riddle, but very interesting to consider.

Employee or Entrepreneur? 10 minutes. Optimal Work Daily. This episode explores the pros and cons of being both an employee and an entrepreneur.

Activity is Not Accomplishment. 11 minutes. Optimal Living Daily. Being busy doesn’t automatically mean you are accomplishing anything. This episode helps define the difference.