Welcome to the Saturday recap. Enjoy!

Personal Development  

This week, the posts cover many topics including setting our value, busy boredom, life’s unexpected daily events, and taking the Enneagram.

Dealing with the Unexpected. This first post of the week suggests that we take a different approach when unexpected events come up – slow down first even if it doesn’t feel like the right step.

Why Take the Enneagram? In a continued series of self-awareness assessments, this post covers the Enneagram. While I’ve never connected with this one, I know a lot of people love the insights.

A New Angle on Pricing. No matter if we negotiate a salary or submit a bid for a project, setting a price for our work can cause a lot of stress. This post provides a new perspective on “charging”.

File Finding. We’ve all been there. The moment when we just can’t put our finger on a presentation or report that we KNOW is on our computer. This post is a bit more empathy than ideas.

Busy Boredom. Yes, the two words are a bit contradictive. Is it possible to be both stressed by a busy life and yet bored with the mundane?  I think yes. This post explains.

One Shade Greener

This week marked a milestone. I completed my 1-year MIT program and received my Certificate of Sustainability.  While I write a lot about eco-friendly decisions at home, I do this because I see our homes as a first, safe step.  As I move to leaning in even stronger to organizational sustainability, this post from the past – The Ripple Effect – explains why I believe in starting at home.

If you are interested in starting or continuing a sustainability journey, One Shade Greener at Home, could be the perfect resource. Full of brands and links to put greener products at your fingertips.


This week, I found five shorter (under 15 minute) podcasts I think you will enjoy.

Feeling Stuck? 5 Limiting Mindsets.10 minutes. Optimal Work Daily. This episode covers the five mindsets – unawareness, inertia, permission, a missing piece, and unchallenged assumptions – that Stephen Warly believes hold us back and covers strategies to overcome them.

6 Things You Should Always Buy Secondhand. 12 minutes. Optimal Finance Daily. The title of this podcast says it all. Amanda Brownlow covers 6 items to buy secondhand to save money and have a lighter impact on the environment. I agree completely with her list.

Triumph of the Yuppies. 12 minutes. The Next Big Idea Daily. The 80’s were full of news about the “yuppies”. This podcast explores how the yuppies of the 80s are impacting culture today.

How To Reinvent Yourself at Any Age. 11 minutes. The Marie Forleo Podcast. In this episode, Marie looks at 9 women who have proven age is just a number. Have a goal? It’s not too late to start!

Cognitive Offloading – Your Secret Weapon for Success? 8 minutes. Modern Mentor.  This podcast notes how much information we are carrying in our brains.  With all the to-do’s in there, we lack the space in our mind for creativity and productivity. Cognitive offloading helps.