Welcome to the Saturday recap. Enjoy!

Personal Development

The blog posts last week had a strong theme – inspiration. Each post builds on the last.  Together they have us thinking about what inspires us, how to trigger more inspiration in our lives, and ensuring we are motivated to act when the inspiration arrives.

Unveiling the Mystique of Inspiration. This first post sets the foundation for the week with a summary of what inspiration is and how we each define it in our own lives.

Where and When to Find Inspiration. This post explores when each of us tends to be inspired and provides a list of ideas where you can find inspiration in your everyday life.

The Science of Inspiration. Do you know what happens to our brain when we are inspired? This post explores that question and provides ideas to trigger inspirational moments.

The Dark Side of Inspiration.  Can we have too much of a good thing? This post explores what can happen when we are overloaded with too much inspiration and possibly paralyzed to act on it.

The Dance of Inspiration and Motivation.  Once we are inspired, we need to stay motivated to make something of the idea.  The dance between these two can be tricky to navigate at times.

One Shade Greener

The sustainability post this week – Greening Parties & Picnics – provides ideas for transporting a dish to share, dealing with leftovers, and greening trash bags. 

If you are interested in starting or continuing a sustainability journey, One Shade Greener at Home, could be the perfect resource. Full of brands and links to put greener products at your fingertips.


This week, the podcasts are focused on topics related to your career with a fun, non-work episode at the end.

What Happened When I Traded My Career for Slow and Simple. 7 minutes. Optimal Work Daily. This podcast provides a story from Emma Scheib on how she stepped away from overwork and into a slower, simpler lifestyle.

Nobody Cares About Your Career. 33 minutes. Hello Monday. This episode focuses on insights from Erika Ayers book by the same name.  You will look at work differently after listening.

Presentation Ready by Terri Sjoden. 59 minutes. The Marketing Book Podcast.  As you might expect, this episode discusses the book Presentation Ready: Improve Your Sales Presentation Outcomes and Avoid the Twelve Most Common Mistakes.

This 10-minute Routine Will Increase Your Clarity and Creativity. 12 minutes. Optimal Living Daily. Covers the power of setting intentions at night and journaling first thing in the morning.

Life Advice Inspired by Graduation Songs. 28 minutes. Life Kit. This one was just fun. Listening to the choices, remembering my graduations and those of my children.