I came across a post focused on planning for retirement.
While the content related to focusing on your financial future was great, I also believe the concept can apply to all the areas of our wellbeing.
The five areas of planning laid out in the article are strategic thinking, time management, organization, flexibility, and analysis & evaluation.
Several of these are dimensions of executive function – all of which can be learned.
My Perspective
Planning has many benefits to our health and wellbeing.
We move from reactionary to proactive.
From defense to offense.
Planning can help add space in our day and make life feel less overwhelming.
The time range of our plans can take different approaches from a plan for the day.
To the week.
A month.
Or a year.
As we get more comfortable with planning, the approach becomes easier to work into our lives.
Your Turn
Do you plan your days or weeks?
Could you create a plan for tomorrow?
How would your days be different if you had an intentional plan?
Or, if you plan, what would the day be like without one?