As mentioned in yesterday’s post, today is Day 1 providing an overview of each of the 8 dimensions of wellbeing.

We will start the series with our physical wellbeing.

This dimension considers our habits and how they positively or negatively affect our health.

The goal is to take a proactive approach to nurturing our body and staying healthy.

As we consider our physical wellbeing, the 5 areas below are primary areas of focus.

Five Areas of Focus

Sleep: Sleep is listed first because it can drive so many other areas of wellbeing.  Without enough sleep, additional health issues can come into play. Establishing a sleep routine and aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep per night is a good place to start.

Exercise:  Regular exercise strengthens our muscles and improves our cardiovascular health.  The options for exercise are endless from a walk to a yoga session, or a full-body workout. When exercise is part of our daily routine, it not only keeps our body healthy, but also keeps our mind sharp and mood lifted.

Balanced Diet:  Nutrition plays a significant role in our physical wellbeing. Incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into our meals should be the priority. Drinking a lot of water for hydration and avoiding processed food is equally important.

Removing Habits: On the flipside of the good habits, are things like smoking, alcohol consumption, and processed, sugary food.  These habits can be harmful to our physical health. Breaking free from these habits can enhance our physical health, shift our mindset, and improve our emotional wellbeing.

Checkups: The final dimension of our physical wellbeing is checking in on our health.  Annual appointments with primary doctors, dentists, and specialists can help ensure nothing looks concerning and keep our health on the right track.

“Being healthy is a success many forget to celebrate”

– Author Unknown

My Perspective

When I look at the 8 dimensions of wellbeing, I see physical wellbeing as the foundation.

Without enough sleep, exercise, and balanced diets, we lack energy.

In my opinion, without the foundation it’s difficult to work on the other 7 dimensions of wellbeing.

Your Turn

How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing?

Which of the five areas above have you neglected the most in the last year?

Are your current habits sustainable over time?