When it comes to our personal brand, we have a sense of style.
The clothes we wear.
The words we choose in conversation.
The way we present ourselves online.
As we continue to establish ourselves as a MeEO, we can be more intentional with our brand.
Our personal brand shouldn’t pretend to be something we aren’t.
Rather, we should take ownership of the unique person we are.
Are we more classic or creative in our look?
Is our tone that of a serious authority or an approachable friend?
No answers are “right”.
We are just articulating our approach in the world.
Once we define our style, we might find colors that are our signature.
Fonts that set us apart online.
Clothing choices may come easier than they ever have.
Exercises to Discover Our Personal Style
“If You Were” Questions: Try considering questions with this framework:
If I were a ___________ I would be a __________ because _____________.
Fill in the first blank with words like – color, animal, fast food, article of clothing, etc.
Word Pairs: We can create opposite word pairs like “Traditional vs. Innovative” or “Serious vs. Fun” and identify where we fall on the continuum between.
Vision Board: We can go in search of our style. We will “know it when we see it”. Find images of others that represent the style and voice we want to convey. Then we can determine how we would describe the looks and tone of voice?
Ask Others: Pick 10-15 friends and co-workers. Ask them to provide 3-5 words to describe you. Here, don’t ask for “style”, just request overall words. Using the word style will have them too focused on wardrobe. See what emerges and how that might apply to your style.
Articulating Your Personal Style
Take the insights from the exercises above and identify three words that represent your style.
If the task seems too daunting, start with 10 words.
Narrow to five.
Now, land on those top 3.
Your Turn
Do you have a good grasp of your personal style?
Did this exercise help you consider some different elements?
How can you start to leverage this personal style at work?