In my post on Saturday, I highlighted a Daily Boost Podcast titled How Bad Do You Want to Live Your Dreams.  During this podcast, the host challenges us to think about the things we want in life.

Below is the quote that really struck me:

“You will always do what you need to do, but you won’t always do what you want to do.”

– Scott Smith, Daily Boost Podcast

This quote has been on my mind as I wondered how we could shift our perspectives to turn wants into needs.  Sometimes extreme life events can turn a want into a need.  For example, a significant health event might set us on the course to eat better and exercise more.

I continued to wonder how we might create a need without an extreme event.

My Perspective – Use Nouns!

Over the weekend, I was listening to more podcasts and finished this week’s series from The Next Big Idea.  The topic of the week was Jonah Berger’s new book “Magic Words”.  The discussion on the Tuesday episode highlighted that nouns are more persuasive than verbs.

This concept ties directly to turning our wants into needs.

An example provided was that you would be more likely to run if you said, “I am a runner”.

You could replace “a runner” with anything – a craft you want to master, a promotion you aspire towards, relationship improvements, health and wellness, the list goes on.

I found it slightly ironic that verbs are action words, yet shifting to a noun causes us to act!

So, the next time you want to shift a want into a need, change the frame.

Your Turn

What are the top three things on your list of wants?

How could you change them into nouns using the phrase “I am a _____”?

Pick one and get things done!