Our personal brands have a lot in common with corporate brands.
We have a reputation that precedes us.
Some are intentional about the reputation, others just “let it happen”.
For those looking to be intentional, this post can help you plan (or better understand) your brand.
Over the years, I’ve created a LOT of brand pyramids.
The document that guides the brand – from products to marketing to experiences and more.
The basic structure of the pyramid looks like this:

My Perspective
I am a fan of the pyramid for framing and understanding a brand.
Below is my adjustment to the structure when thinking about our personal brands:

At the bottom of the chart are our skills and knowledge.
These layers represent what we need to gain respect – in our industry and our company.
Without respect, others won’t even put you on their consideration list for a project, role, etc.
The middle of the chart represents our soft skills.
Our approach to the work, company, and connections is what begins to build trust with others.
This is highlighted with our unique value proposition.
Our special sauce.
We can be make or break relationships here.
The top three dimensions are personal style values, and mission.
These are the qualities that make you memorable and assist in standing out.
Personal style attributes can be a pair of unique glasses, a defining color, your written tone of voice, and more.
Our values and mission guide everything we do.
Your Turn
Do you see the similarities between a personal brand and a company brand?
Would it help for you to be more intentional with your brand pyramid?
Which layer(s) of your pyramid need the most work?