Today, May 10th is National Clean Up Your Room Day.

This is a perfect opportunity to take a few minutes and clean the spaces where you spend your time working.  Removing clutter often creates the space needed to think more clearly and creatively. 

You can start with your desk area and, if you have an office, expand from there.  

The often forgotten or avoided area of clutter tends to be on your computer where only you see the mess.  Maybe today is the time to tackle the overcrowded desktop files or the overflowing email.

You may also find that the spaces causing you the most mental anxiety are not at work or in your home office.  Use today to tackle whatever room is making you feel weighted down.

If the space you choose seems too overwhelming, just start.  Commit to spending 15 minutes cleaning every day for the next week.  Trust me, the progress you will see in a week will be worth the time!

My Story

The last month, I’ve spent small pockets of time each day (15 minutes on weekdays and 1-2 hours on weekend days) updating my home office.  For longer than I would have liked, another room was full of all the stuff from the office.  You can see how that looked in the photo from this post.

The project is finally complete and both rooms are cleaned up.  I feel so good to have both rooms cleaned up.

The paint color is lighter, the furniture is in new locations, and there were things I didn’t bring back into the room reducing clutter.

All of this freed up space in my mind and I feel less weighted down.

Your Turn

What spaces in your life give you a weighted down feeling?

What could you do to quickly clean those areas up?

How can you encourage others to celebrate National Clean Up Your Room Day?