In prior posts we have talked about daily energy.

There are morning larks and night owls as discussed here.

We use our energy to create, connect, care and more as discussed in this post.

Our energy also flows differently each week, month, and year.

Today, let’s consider our weekly energy.

Some of us hit the ground running on Monday full of energy that wanes by Friday afternoon.

Others do a slow ramp through the week peaking with productivity to “get it done” before weekend.

Another group peaks in the middle, ramping up on Monday, peaking on Wednesday, and tapering off.

Those who peak on Wednesday or Friday sometimes struggle to enjoy Sunday.

They dread the start of the work week that often leans to the first group who hit the ground running.

My Story

I am confident that I belong to the group who hit the ground running on Monday.

I plan at the end of the week or over the weekend and know what needs to be accomplished.

On Sunday, I have even found myself excited for the week ahead based on the plans.

However, by Friday, everything can go downhill.

I’ve had my fill of the unexpected twists, too much time with others, and lack of a plan.

My inner introvert craves quiet time to reflect, plan, and reorient to what is next.

Knowing this about myself enables me to give myself grace on Friday.

Your Turn

Do you see your energy levels shift at different times of the week?

Does your productivity peak on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday?

How could you adjust the activities of your week knowing this about yourself?