Busy season coming up?

Overwhelm on the horizon?

Often, we can look at the calendar and know that we have an extremely busy week or month ahead. 

Going into these busy seasons with a plan can make all the difference.

This plan is a little different than the logistics of what happens when.  This plan is a reminder from your last busy season of the tips and techniques that made the period easier.  These strategies are easy to forget, especially if you figured them out during the busy season.

Some examples of reminders you might want to provide your “busy self” include:

  • Find an hour at the beginning of the season (ideally just before) and do a bit of planning.
  • Have a list of quick and easy meals so dinner does not become a pain point. You could take this even further and plan the menu for the entire time ahead eliminating “what’s for dinner?”.
  • Loosen up standards for house cleaning.  If it’s an option, you could hire someone to clean.
  • Discover ways to remove decisions.  Tighten up clothing options or come up with a formula for your clothing (i.e., jeans and button-down shirt) for the duration of the busy season.
  • Hold 30 minutes for planning every day.  Having a moment to breathe and think about all that needs to be done each day will help you focus and reduce the overwhelm.

My Story

As I look back, there are examples of busy seasons both at work and at home.

The month of May was one of those seasons at home when the kids were growing up.  Both had birthdays mid-month (just 6 days apart).  Both played spring sports (lacrosse/soccer) from grade school through high school.  Both always had end of year activities happening at school.  Then, we would end the month with a trip to the Indianapolis 500 for the holiday. 

During all of that, work didn’t slow down.

At work, there were always waves of extra busy seasons for projects.  A thought leadership event, a proposal for new work, a month with a lot of travel, and the list goes on.

Knowing that busy seasons were coming up, I would try to prepare in advance and have strategies in place to lessen stress.  If I came up with a trick (like the examples above) during a busy season, I would write it down as a reminder during the next season.

Your Turn

Do you see a busy season coming up? 

Are there strategies you always go to during these busy times?

Brainstorm what you can do in your next busy season today to help your future self.

What will top your “Manual of Calm” list?