There was a podcast where the statement was made that we waste a lot of time “managing our mess”.

The statement intrigued me, and I started looking for stats.

A study by Wakefield Research and Elastic found that “digging for files” was employee’s #1 challenge.

The Zebra reported that we spend 45 minutes a day searching through digital information.

Coveo reported a higher number, indicating that we spend 3.6 hours a day searching for information!

Who could have imagined the inefficiency?

My Perspective

We spend at least an hour a day searching for things and cleaning up messes.

There are other “messes” in our lives beyond the physical and digital that can steal our time.

The Calendar Mess.

The Mental Mess.

The Relationship Mess.

The Financial Mess.

The Project Mess.

Finding strategies to reduce the messes in our lives can save us time and make us happier.

The first step in controlling the messes is realizing they exist.

My personal challenge these days is the digital mess.

Finding files and creating keyword/file systems that work is a process I’m going through.

Your Turn

Do you see the messes in your life?

Which one is the most important to tackle first?

What is one action you could take to start to reduce the time spent on the mess?