Advice often given by time management experts is to put space in your calendar for unexpected events. 

A project has gone off track.

A team conflict to resolve.

A quick turn client request.

A sick child that needs to be picked up at school.

The list could go on.

This creates stress.

By not having your calendar and “to do” list completely packed, you have time available to do what you planned, handle things not on the schedule, and avoid stress.

My New Perspective

I heard a quote by Michael Melcher the other day that made me think:

“Have intention and be open to serendipity.” – Michael Melcher

He was discussing his book Your Invisible Network

He made the point that we should go into conversations with intentions for what we want to cover but leave room for serendipity to happen.

What I love about this concept is that it flips having room from a negative to a positive.

When you plan extra time and space to deal with “the unexpected”, those unexpected things are typically negative events that need handled and take you away from what you should be doing.

My tendency is to be a very detailed planner. 

This quote is a great reminder that sometimes the best moments are full of serendipity. 

An event can have both an overall plan AND room for serendipity.

Your Turn

Do you tend to pack your days too full?

Have you ever considered leaving space for serendipity?

How could you adjust your plans for today to leave a little room for serendipity?