We are starting this week with the fourth dimension of wellbeing – intellectual.

On Thursday, we talked about occupational wellbeing.

Many are curious about the difference between occupational wellbeing and intellectual wellbeing.

We can think of it this way – Occupational is focused on our career and workplace while intellectual has more focus on our personal growth and creativity.

As we consider our intellectual wellbeing, the areas below are a good starting point.

4 Elements of Intellectual Wellbeing

Curiosity:  At the heart of intellectual wellbeing is curiosity— a deep desire to know, understand, and explore the world around us. Our curiosity encourages us to question, to seek, and to never settle for the status quo. We use our curiosity to stimulate intellectual growth and keep the mind vibrant.

Stimulating Input: To trigger ideas and solve problems, we need exposure to new and different thinking.  We each are drawn to different types of input – reading books, watching videos, taking a class, visiting a museum, and much more.  The opportunities are endless.  Focusing on exposure to new ideas is key.

Hobbies: Activities we are drawn to might turn into a hobby.  These hobbies challenge our mind. We might do puzzles, photography, play a musical instrument, write, or paint – just to name a few. As we learn and grow this hobby, our minds expand with new ideas.  These activities may also be a source for ideas to solve challenges in other wellbeing dimensions.

Connection: The final area to support our intellectual wellbeing is connection with others.  We can join book clubs or online communities to connect with like-minded people.  Creating a relationship with a mentor or coach can create an intentional space for learning and personal growth.  A friendly debate with a co-worker, family member, or friend can also be a good way to challenge your world view.

My Perspective

When we consider our intellectual wellbeing, we often gravitate towards a few of the items on the list above.

My go-to activities are reading, photography, classes (online & off), and listening to podcasts.

I work to add other types to challenge me in new ways.

Lately, I’ve been doing puzzles and joining community conversations.

In the year to come, I want to explore some other ways to push my intellectual wellbeing.

Your Turn

How are you feeling about your intellectual wellbeing?

What activities are the go-to that stimulate your mind?

Are you ever over stimulated with too many intellectual activities that leave you overwhelmed?