Change comes in all shapes and sizes.

We might make little changes like taking a reusable mug to the coffee shop.

We might also champion a whole new process or product at work.

Any time we are looking to make a change with other people, we need to inspire & influence.

I heard a recent interview with Jay Barney that really resonated: 

“When you create a new culture, you act.  The acts may turn into stories and movements, but stories won’t turn into action.”

– Jay Barney

My Perspective

Many people set visions and tell stories about the future.

Most of those people don’t act first.

Then, the stories fall flat.

Acting first walks the walk.

Demonstrates the vision.

Shows commitment.

The stories will come.

They will support the spread of the vision.

The power of the action stories is so much stronger than that of a vision story.

This is an easy lesson for all of us to remember the next time we want to inspire change.

Your Turn

What is one change you want to make at work or with your family?

Is there an action you can take today to demonstrate the vision?

How could those actions turn into stories?