Another area of self-awareness that is valuable to explore is character traits. For this assessment, we look to the Via Character Traits.  This assessment was developed in the early 2000s to help individuals focus on their character strengths.

What You Will Learn

The report will show you all 24 of the character strengths in rank order. 

When you receive your report, the 24 strengths are grouped into three categories

  1. Signature Strengths
  2. Middle Strengths
  3. Lesser Strengths.

The report goes into detail on your Signature Strengths providing two pages of information on each of your top 5.  There is less detail provided on the middle and lesser strengths.

Taking the Assessment

This assessment takes about 10 minutes to complete and is free at the Via Institute on Character website.  You can take the assessment here.

My Story

I took this assessment about 5 years ago and felt it was a nice compliment to the Clifton Strengths. 

My top 5 included love of learning, creativity, curiosity, zest, and honesty.  As I looked at the full list, I wanted some of the other attributes to be higher on my list.  However, when I look at this set of five it really does describe how I approach life.

Your Turn

Have you taken the Via Character traits?

Do the attributes describe how you approach the world?

Did it reveal anything that was surprising to you?