A pack rat is a rodent who collects things.
They tend to accumulate mounds of sticks and debris in their nest hole.
They are prone to collect shiny things.
The things they collect are often unneeded.
Yet, they hold on to them.
We are like this too.
We may not collect sticks and shiny things, but we collect things.
Today is a good day to explore these tendencies.
National Pack Rat Day
May 17th is National Pack Rat Day. The day encourages us to look at our pack rat tendencies and consider areas of our life where we may need to release some things.
At home, we know what the list looks like – too many t-shirts, figurines, tools, toys, and more.
However, what about work? What are the work-related items that you may hold on to for longer than necessary “just in case” you might need them in the future? The list might include files, emails, books, articles, receipts…. the list could go on.
Last week, there was a post encouraging you to clean your workspace on National Clean Your Room Day. Exploring your pack rat tendencies might encourage you to take that cleaning to the next level.
My Story
When I think about work, there are two areas where I have pack rat tendencies – books and versions of a presentation or written document.
In both cases, I feel that as soon as I delete (versions of documents) or donate (books), I would want the item again for reference.
This day is inspiring me to remove at least a few of these items and start the process of clearing space.
Your Turn
What are you holding on to that you need to release?
Could you clear at least some of these items – physical or electronic?
How might you feel with less “stuff” in your workspace?