Our surroundings have a profound impact on our mental and physical health.
Today, we explore the seventh dimension of wellbeing – environmental.
The world we live in is a delicate balance of interconnected ecosystems.
From the air we breathe, to the water we drink, to rooms we spend time in, and our desk at work.
Environmental wellbeing considers the spaces we inhabit.
This dimension lets us explore how spaces impact our mind, body, and soul.
We can approach our environments with an intention to create spaces that enhance our wellbeing.
Below are 5 elements to consider.
5 Elements of Environmental Wellbeing
Clutter – The first element of our environment is clutter. When our home and workplaces are full of too much stuff the space can become one of chaos and tension. When we remove items from our environments that we don’t use and clear areas, we start to open space in our mind to consider other elements of our environment.
“Outer Order. Inner Calm.”
– Gretchen Rubin
Toxins: Our homes and workplaces are full of toxins. The city or town we live in has a unique level of congestion, air, and water quality. Inside our home, cleaning supplies, personal care products, and furnishings can all be full of ingredients that are harmful to our physical health. Removing and/or reducing these toxins can enhance our wellbeing.
Vibe: The vibe is the feeling you want a space to convey. The vibe of your bedroom might be very different from the one you want to create for your kitchen. Intentionally considering the feeling you are looking to create can impact colors, furnishings, and accessories. When considering the vibe, we can also engage all five senses and encourage positive energy via practices like Feng Shui.
Nature: Embracing nature has been shown to positively impact our wellbeing. Spending time outdoors and bringing elements of nature inside our homes via plants, natural light, and organic materials can create both a soothing and energizing environment.
Sustainability: When focusing on our environment, we can also think more broadly about sustainable living. The approach here might be different for each of us, but we can consider mindful consumption, energy efficiency, avoiding single use plastic, minimizing food waste, recycling, and much more. Small changes over time can collectively make a positive impact.
My Perspective
Like all the dimensions of wellbeing, environmental changes can be a process.
Intentionally select spaces where you spend the most time and make changes there.
Once you start in one area, the concepts will begin to flow into other spaces.
Personally, I’ve found the changes I’ve been making over time have a positive impact on my wellbeing.
This past year, I took a very intentional approach to the vibe of seasons and spaces.
I’m excited by what I’ve started to discover.
Your Turn
Do your environments have the vibe you are looking for?
Does clutter impact your mental wellbeing?
What aspects of your environment do you hope to focus on in the year ahead?