Wabi-sabi is a term often associated with art and design.

An aesthetic concept that values imperfection, impermanence, and simplicity. 

When we look at the words separately, the definitions of the parts make the whole clearer:

Wabi – The celebration of simple, imperfect beauty.

Sabi – The beauty of change over time.

When the words are combined, we celebrate the imperfect beauty of change over time. 

As humans, we are all imperfect and unique. 

Wabi-sabi guides us to embrace imperfections and simplicity.

My Perspective

As we think about wabi-sabi and the definitions above, I believe there are three lessons we can apply to our lives and personal development.

Strive for Simplicity – Life and careers are extremely complex.  Wabi-sabi would guide us towards simplicity and minimalism.  We can focus on simplifying our physical spaces, goals, processes, presentations, and more.  This simplicity can lead to better work, less stress, and increased efficiency.

Allow Imperfection – When we are too focused on getting things “perfect” we can waste both time and money. Learning when work is complete, but not overdone is a valuable skill to practice over time.   Consider what is essential and don’t worry so much about getting other elements perfect. 

Embrace Change – Wabi-sabi recognizes that change is a natural part of life.  Our careers will also be filled with change – some good, some bad, some expected, and some not. Adapting to these changes and learning from all of them will make you stronger with expanded experience.

Overall, I have embraced wabi-sabi as both and aesthetic and a feeling or philosophy.

Beauty is everywhere.

Imperfections are expected.

Life is fluid.

Enjoy the journey.

Your Turn

Do you see how wabi-sabi could change your perspective?

Which of the three tenants do you struggle with the most?

What might happen if you put the term wabi-sabi at the forefront of your thoughts for the day today?