There was a Twyla Tharp quote that caught my attention the other day.

“Obligation is a flimsy base for creativity, way down the list behind passion, courage, instinct, and the desire to do something great.”

Twyla Tharp

This is such an interesting perspective on creativity.

I started wondering things like:

Are we less creative at work the more we feel obligated to work?

Are we less creative with our personal lives the more obligations we place on ourselves?

Do we lean in less in our volunteer activities after the passion wanes and obligation seeps in?

My Perspective

After much consideration, I believe we each need to find our sweet spot of obligation.

We need to recognize when activities that started with passion and a desire to make a difference are replaced with feelings of dread and looking for reasons not to engage.

If the obligations at work are holding us back, we need to determine which obligations are the problem.

If we know the problem, there may be a solution.

We can have a conversation or think about the challenges.

A life with the weight of too many obligations can also lead to burnout.

Keeping track of how we are feeling about our current set can help us manage our wellbeing.

Your Turn

Do you feel there are too many obligations on your plate?

What areas of your life and wellbeing are being impacted the most?

Are there any obligations that can be removed to help promote your creativity?