When we are overworked and overwhelmed, we don’t know how to slow down.

We fear that stopping for even a few minutes will put us even further behind.

We rush through work.

Rush through evenings.

Hold hope that we will catch up on the weekends.

We don’t.

The cycle begins again.

My Perspective

I believe it is time for us to shift our mindset.

We need to push against the urge to speed up and instead slow down.

Here are 5 benefits:

  1. Improved Focus – By slowing down and practicing mindfulness we achieve heightened awareness.  Being more aware improves our ability to focus and be deliberate about our actions.
  2. Improved Creativity – Slowing down reduces stress and allows the mind to relax and wander. This wandering state is what we need to foster creativity and innovative thinking.
  3. Enhanced Decision Making – Hasty decision making often leads to poor choices and regret. Slowing down gives us the opportunity to assess situations more thoroughly.
  4. Quality over Quantity – Working to achieve a high volume of tasks can often cause us to sacrifice the quality of our work. Slowing down gives each task the attention it deserves.
  5. Avoid Burnout – Slowing down to rest and recharge allows us to find a balance between work and rest. Allowing ourselves to recharge improves concentration and boosts our energy.

Sometimes we are overwhelmed.

The world around us can also glorify busy-ness.

This makes it difficult to slow down and approach life differently.

The benefits above are five great reasons to push in the counter-intuitive direction.

We need to slow down to make a difference.

Your Turn

Do you feel the pressure to be busy?

Are you struggling to focus and make good decisions?

What are three things you can do to slow down just a little bit?