The concept of reverse organizing is to empty a space and only bring back what you use.

Then, after a month or so, the things that haven’t been used can be addressed.

Some things may need to be kept for occasional events, others may be recycled or donated.

The process is a great way to remove items you no longer use.

My Perspective

I believe this same approach is a great way to clear our computer files.

This is something I’ve done and now make it an annual activity.

The process is easy.

Take all the folders on the machine and put them inside a folder.

Keep that folder on the hard drive or, better yet, move it to an external hard drive.

Then, create a new folder structure that meets current needs.

Bring files back from the hard drive as needed.

It’s amazing how much we don’t need. 

The same approach can also be taken for a fresh start with email.

Your Turn

Is your digital organization overwhelming?

Have you tried to do an annual purging of files?

Do you think the reverse organization approach might work for you?