As we enter each day, we make tradeoffs on where to spend our time.

We have deliverables for work, errands to run, dinner to make.

Our plates are full.

We likely also have non-urgent activities on the list causing mental clutter.

A deliverable that is further out but will involve significant work.

The haircut that needs to be scheduled, but there just isn’t time.

Flights to be booked for a vacation in a couple months.

A relationship is strained and needs to be addressed.

The list of “clutter” can happen in all the dimensions of wellbeing.

We tend to push the clutter aside and figure we will address it “tomorrow”.

Then the anxiety of the clutter starts to build.

My Story

The non-urgent “clutter” on my list tends to build up until they explode.

I put off things like booking flights and making appointments.

Sometimes this happens with work projects that are daunting, and I don’t know where to start.

Then, they don’t make it onto the daily list until it’s an emergency.

There is no reason for this clutter to live in my mind for so long.

The tasks take the same amount of time no matter when they are addressed.

The relationships don’t get better if they just fester.

This year, I’m trying to deal with the clutter when it arises.

If possible, I will address the task immediately.

If not, I will do my best to handle things within the week.

I’m nowhere near perfect, but I’m doing my best to get better.

Your Turn

Do you have clutter in areas of your life that you let build up?

What happens when anxiety peaks?

How could you start to address the clutter without letting it cause you stress?