I came across a quote by Bill Gates that is worth thinking about.
“The barrier to change isn’t too little caring, it’s too much complexity.” – Bill Gates
The world today is full of challenges that need to be overcome.
Yet, we are busy with lives that can be overwhelming.
We may not lean in to support and solve.
This gives the impression that we don’t care.
We may care, we just don’t know what to do.
This is where the full quote from Bill Gates comes in:
“The barrier to change is not too little caring; it’s too much complexity. To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see the impact. But complexity blocks all three steps.”
My Perspective
We see the challenges. We care.
A first step might be to break the challenges into smaller, less complex problems.
Instead of seeing the problems of the “world”, we could consider that problem in our neighborhood.
Maybe looking at our neighborhood first, seeing the solutions and impact could be simpler.
If the neighborhood is too big, what about our street?
Still too big?
Does the problem exist in our home?
We could start there.
Then, move to our street.
Our neighborhood.
And beyond.
Your Turn
What change do you care enough about that you seek to make a difference?
Does the challenge become less complex if you significantly reduce the scope?
Could you envision a problem and solution in your life where you can make an impact?