Seth Godin’s most recent book, The Song of Significance was recently released.

The book sets the vision for a future of work.

In his research, he found that when people describe the best job they ever had, these were the four main statements selected:

  • I surprised myself with what I could accomplish.
  • I could work independently.
  • The team built something important.
  • People treated me with respect.

My Thoughts

For me, this is one of Seth’s most impactful books.

He clearly delivers the message that the way most companies are working today isn’t working.

We need a new solution.

He describes a vision for the next wave – one of impact and significance.

Through his writing, we see that this vision is an attainable destination.

He provides the changes in mindset and processes that can move a team in this direction.

One of the reasons that the book struck a chord was my personal experience.

Seth used the principles in the book as he led a community of volunteers on The Carbon Almanac.

For those of us that had the opportunity to be part of that project, we saw Seth lead with a vision and intention for the change we were seeking to make.

He set standards and guardrails.

Encouraged everyone to lean in and contribute.

Taught us how to criticize the work and not the person who took on the first draft.

Demonstrated how 300 people globally could coordinate efforts asynchronously without the need for endless meetings.

This book provides the roadmap for change where we can all feel significance in the work we do.

I highly recommend you pick up a copy. 

Once you read, you may buy them for your whole team.

Your Turn

What was the best job you ever had?

Do you want more significance in your work today?

In addition to yourself, who would you want to provide a copy of the book?