As a brand strategist (and many other occupations), we benchmark.

We look at what others are doing.

Understanding where others focus.

Gaining inspiration from their approach.

Recognizing the things we admire and things we want to avoid.

We never want to copy another brand.

That isn’t possible, we are unique.

Ideas and inspiration are interpreted and adjusted through the lens of our brand.

We can apply the same benchmarking approach to our personal brand.

Discovering Our Benchmarking List

Starting with a list of people we admire.

These could be people within our organization.

A part of our family and friends.

People we are aware of in our industry.

Or people we follow online.

Once we have a list, the benchmarking can begin.

What To Benchmark

The list of areas we can benchmark is endless. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

  • The way they lead a team.
  • How they give a presentation.
  • The posts they share on LinkedIn.
  • How they engage with the industry (events, speaking, etc.)
  • How their attire connects (or doesn’t) with their brand
  • Their personal website – if they have one.
  • The way they connect with their peers at work.

Don’t Stop With Benchmarking

While benchmarking can be a fun and interesting way to gain insight, we need to act.

Benchmarking without action is wasted time.

Take the insights gained and determine the area to focus on.

Consider what it will take to get from where you are today to where the benchmark is.

Create a plan to move along a path to get to the end goal.

Your Turn

Have you ever benchmarked others for your personal brand?

What attributes would you benchmark?

Who are 3 people you admire that could be on your list?