We all have due dates.

Many times, we are working right up to the deadline to get things finished.

I was listening to a podcast where someone mentioned they schedule both due dates and “do” dates.

This intrigued me.

My Perspective

I’ve had several posts suggesting that we block work time on our calendars.

This concept takes it to another, positive place.

What if when a project is assigned with a due date, we immediately put “do” time on our calendar?

Based on the scope of the assignment, we could estimate how many sessions and how long each should be to accomplish the task before the deadline.

The blocks of time could be adjusted as the project progresses and we determine if more or less time than estimated is needed.

My Story

While I block time, I don’t add the layer of what I will be working on. 

Typically, I select something from the “to do” list of the day.

That list may not be considering something that is due a few days out.

I’m going to give this concept a try and see if “do sessions” make “due dates” even smoother.

Your Turn

Does the idea of “do sessions” intrigue you?

Do you think this would assist in planning out projects and deliverables?

What project on your plate right now could you apply some do sessions to?