We all have morning routines.

Those things we do to get out day started.

When those routines don’t happen, our whole day can feel a little “off”.

There is a lot published on morning routines.

People offer advice on the “best” way to start your day.

Suggestions to make your day more productive, creative, or calm.

My Perspective

The more I learn about personal development and natural tendencies, my approach has shifted.

I think we should shift from the idea of a morning routine to an “energy routine”.

By understanding our energy at different points in the day, we can structure routines to match.

For those who need a slow transition into the day the routine will look different from those who have their peak energy in the morning.

One person’s 6am routine might match another person’s 2pm routine.

Our routines don’t need to follow those of others.

There is no perfect routine.

what works for one person will likely not work for another.

The best way to develop our personal routines is by experimenting.

Trying different approaches and keeping the ones that feel right.

Your Turn

What does your morning routine look like?

Do you enter the day full of energy or do you need time to wind up?

Knowing this about yourself, are there ways you could adjust your routine to be a better fit?