Life is full of opportunities to compare ourselves to others.

What others have.

What others do.

Careers. Homes. Cars. Clothing. Hairstyles. Promotions.

Nearly anything we can think of, we could compare it to someone else.

Yet, what good does this do?

Who benefits?

Theodore Roosevelt has a great quote:

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

My Perspective

I think this quote perfectly describes what happens when we compare ourselves to others.

We miss the joy where we are.

What we’ve accomplished.

What we have.

Comparison has us thinking the grass is greener in someone else’s life.

This may not be as true as it appears on the surface.

Joy comes from celebrating our life as it is.

Making changes that will make our own grass greener.

Day by day. Step by step. Our lives become one shade greener.

And we find joy in the journey.

Your Turn

Do you find yourself comparing an aspect of your life to that of others?

How could you shift from comparing to finding joy in that aspect of your life?

Are there some incremental improvements that would make that area one shade greener?