Welcome to the Saturday Summary! I hope you enjoy and connect with a few ideas.
What I’ve Posted – Blog Summary
This week we complete the series of posts focused on the 8 dimensions of wellbeing. We explore the dimension, look back on 2024 & celebrate our growth throughout the year.
Physical Wellbeing. The first post of the week continues the series on the year in review of the 8 dimensions of wellbeing. Today, we consider our physical wellbeing.
Environmental Wellbeing. The physical spaces in our life have a significant impact on our overall wellbeing. This post explores how our environment has influenced our year.
Spiritual Wellbeing. This post wraps up our year in review for the 8 dimensions of wellbeing. We explore how we have nurtured our spiritual side this year.
What Have You Learned? Continuing the 2024 reflection, this post has us considering all the things we learned in the last 12 months. How might this set intentions for the year ahead?
Networking Audit. This title might seem a bit odd, yet looking back at the year and considering how we connected (or not) with others can provide insight and shift our intentions for the year ahead.
What I’ve Listened To – PodList
As the year winds down, apparently my podcast listening has as well. I only have 1 in the cue to share. So, I’m going to include 2 interviews I did on podcasts this year. These may have you thinking differently about the year ahead – become the MeEO of your career & life.
Name Your Breaks. 5 minutes. Before Breakfast. This short episode has us considering our work breaks and how naming them can provide rituals and add meaning throughout our day.
Becoming the MeEO of Your Career and Life. 52 minutes. Together Digital. I was honored that Amy Vaughn selected this interview with me as the #1 episode this year (season #3). Here’s how she described the episode – “A masterclass in taking ownership of your professional narrative and career trajectory.”
Own Your Unique Difference. 25 minutes. Show Me the Way Podcast. In this interview, I talk with Andrea and Tammy about a pivotal (and vulnerable) career moment, what I’ve learned, and how I hope to help others. Here’s how they sum up the episode – “Lori helped us think about the value of our unique difference and how important is it to be your own MeEO. We enjoyed learning from Lori and as mentioned in the podcast, it’s the first time I’ve taken copious notes while interviewing a guest!”
What I’ve Been Up To
This week, I started to make the transition out of official work for the year. I’ll be spending the next two weeks to think about how I’ve grown in the past year and where I want to go in the year ahead.
Outside of work, I continued holiday festivities and preparations. We bought and decorated our tree, planned holiday get togethers, and started to lean into the traditions of the season.
What Do You Think?
Which podcasts and blog posts resonate with you this week?
What are your intentions for this holiday season?
How are you reflecting on the past year and thinking about the year ahead?