Work-Life balance.



Lots of words have been used.

Much debate has been had.

Is balance possible?

Balance is not only possible, it’s a fact.

There is balance in your life. Every day we each have 24 hours.

List how the last 24 were spent.

Create categories for work, life, self-care, social, and more.

Our time is not balanced, it’s full.

We do something.

We fill all the hours.

My Perspective

When we say our time is not balanced, that is not true.

What we really mean is we don’t like the current balance.

The hours and percentages are tipped in a way that doesn’t work for us. The key – for US.

The mix or balance for me is likely not the same as you.

We have different lives. Different life stages. Different challenges. Different priorities.

Each of us will find balance to be different all the time.

What feels balanced right now may be totally different in a month.

When life feels off balance, we need to lean in to figure out why.

Once we know the cause, we can focus on a path to getting time aligned with priorities.

Your Turn

Does your life feel balanced?

Where are you spending too much time? Too little?

What adjustments could be made to shift the balance?