There is a great Jane Austin quote that speaks to our identity:

“It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.”

– Jane Austin

Recently, I heard someone adding the idea of joining as a dimension of “doing”.

Join a group with similar interests – networking, skill building, or volunteering.

Previously, I had considered “do” to be more practice and acting.

This is a great dimension to consider.

Adding group practice and learning to the list.

My Perspective

I think there is a lot of truth to these actions defining how others see us.

Throughout our lives we are evolving – adding & subtracting – to our list of identity elements.

Those identities can be at different locations on the think/speak/do continuum.

The first step is to start to acknowledge the identities we have or would like to have (think).

We can evaluate our current list and consider what is missing.

We can determine what we need to do to grow that dimension through education or practice.

Next, we shift to actions – learning, practicing, and joining groups (do).

Once we have experience, we can start to claim this as an identity (say).

I agree with Jane Austin that people will remember what you do, yet I would also say:

“After practicing and taking action, find the confidence to own a new identity.” 

– Lori Sullivan

There are things I’ve been comfortable saying out loud. I am:

A business strategist.

An idea creator.

A marketing expert.

A leader.

A solution finder.

A trend spotter.

Here are a few that are starting to emerge. I am:

A writer.

A curator.

A sustainability advisor.

Your Turn 

What is the list of identities you have in your head? 

Which ones are you acting on? 

Which ones are you comfortable claiming as an identity to others?