Yesterday, I had a coaching session and my coach introduced me to a quote.

“Pain pushes until vision pulls.”

– Michael Beckwith

We can take this quote as a physical pain or a pain from the loss of someone close to us.

However, we can also apply this to the pain involved in growth and change.

The pain might start off with something feeling “off”.

We have a feeling that there is something more.

More in our career, relationships, business, finances.

We start to know we need to change, but we are held back.

We might be in a fog, moving without knowing what to do.

Sometimes fear is driving us – fear of judgement, failure, financial loss, and more.

In these moments, the quote suggests we have two choices.

  1. Let the pain push us. Be reactive to what comes our way. We might even self-sabotage to avoid the change. In this state we will change because at some point it is forced upon us.
  2. Let the vision pull us. Be proactive and set a vision for what the future looks like when the change is in place. Then, we let that vision help us plan and move through change.

My Perspective

The quote resonated deeply with me, and I have seen this tension in those I have coached.

As I reflected on where I am right now in life, the quote helped me realize what is pushing me.

Having the insight, I can now focus on finding the vision to pull me.

The research for this post reminded me of two others you might find helpful. 

Moving from Defense to Offense: This post provides tips on how to move from the pain pushing state to one where we are in control.

 Ikigai – A Path to Purpose: An ikigai is a Japanese construct that helps us understand what brings us joy and gives a sense of purpose in life.  This tool may help us find our vision (for an individual or company).  Also, this In the Arena podcast with Leah Smart and Tim Tamashiro provides great Ikigai background.

Your Turn

Does this quote resonate with you?

Are there areas in your life where you feel like you are being pushed vs. pulled?

How could you set a vision to pull you to the future?