Welcome to the Saturday recap. Enjoy!

Personal Development

With the holiday, this week really has four posts.  If you can only read one, focus on “Halfway Day”. For insight on time management, there are two posts that dive into our busy culture. And, the final post of the week provides an overview of the Myers-Briggs assessment.

Halfway Day.  July 2nd marks the halfway point of 2024. This post provides ideas on what you might do to reflect on the first half and consider what you want from the rest of the year.

Socrates Wisdom on a Busy Life.  This post takes inspiration from a quote by Socrates that states “The Barrenness of a Busy Life”.  When our lives get too busy, they may also be barren.

Getting Away from “I’m Busy”. Building on the post from Tuesday, this post explores why many often answer the question of “how are you?” with “I’m so busy” and what could be other options.

Happy 4th of July.  Just a simple photo of the flag for this day of celebration.

Overview of the Myers-Briggs Assessment. There are many different self-assessments out there. One of the most used is Myers-Briggs. This post provides a summary of the insights you can gain.

One Shade Greener

This week, the sustainability post – Greening Our Summer Produce – provides ideas for purchasing produce and finding ways to extend the life so the fresh food is used before spoiling. 

If you are interested in starting or continuing a sustainability journey, One Shade Greener at Home, could be the perfect resource. Full of brands and links to put greener products at your fingertips.


This week, there are four podcasts under 15 minutes each.  At 40 minutes, the fifth selection is longer, yet well worth the time. This one will have you thinking differently about productivity.

Don’t Decide Hungry. 4 minutes. Before Breakfast.  This podcast talks about the acronym HALT (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired) and how you should pause before acting in these states.

The Art of Feel-Good Productivity. 40 minutes. Everyday Better with Leah Smart. This interview with Ali Abdaal covers his book and the 3 enablers and 3 blockers of productivity.

Think Long Term with Dorie Clark. 15 minutes. Hello Monday Master Class. This episode provides process and insight for thinking more long-term about your goals & aspirations.

This is How to Find Your Inspiration. 10 minutes. Optimal Living Daily.  This is a great connection to the 5 blog posts from two weeks ago on inspiration.  The first in that series is here.

Once is an Emergency. 4 minutes. Before Breakfast. This is a reminder that if something happens once it is an emergency, but if it happens often, it is a systems problem to be fixed.