A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak at a wellbeing workshop. 

There were many great conversations with women looking to set goals for the year and improve their overall wellbeing.

One of the interesting comments at the end of the day was that someone mentioned they realized they are “doing better than they thought”.

Many others agreed.

They came into the day thinking they had many things to work on and left with ideas, but also a feeling that overall, they were doing quite well.

My Perspective

The conversation got me thinking about positive psychology.

Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living. There is a focus on strengths and building a good life instead of repairing the bad – moving the lives of those who have average lives to great.

– PositivePsychology.com / (Peterson, 2008)

With personal development and positive psychology on the rise, this is both good and challenging.

The growth and progress in one’s life is great and should be celebrated.

However, with a constant focus on “better”, we may not be taking the time we need to realize that our current life isn’t really that bad.

Our lives may be over busy and full.

Yet maybe we are doing all the things that fill our cup.

Part of the balance is to find the mix that doesn’t tip us over the edge.

Know when to say no.

Understand when our energy is drained.

When we have a better handle on our own unique “personal operating manual” we can better shape our lives in ways that make us happy and fulfilled.

Your Turn

Do you feel your life is generally happy and sustainable?

Are you working in a place of positive psychology?

Do you recognize when you are overcommitted and need to pull back?