A stat crossed my desk that suggested 50% of emails aren’t understood.

50% – really ??!!

I did a bit of research and found this article.

The article indicates that the words we use often land in ways we didn’t intend.

A compliment turns sarcastic.

A question turns passive aggressive.

The suggestion the article provided was to leverage emojis to indicate our intent.

There was a generational gap in the opinion of using emojis at work.

Younger employees see the value and older employees feel they are unprofessional.

My Perspective

I believe we will see more emojis in communication.

The key is to be conscious of how we are using them.

I use emojis more often in text than in email communications.

The article made me aware that I use text in some of the ways that could be misread.

My next step was to read articles about the meaning of emojis.

This was not good.

I realized my “favorite” go to emoji the simple smiley face 🙂 is a sarcastic response.

Good grief.

For those of you who have seen me use this, I had no idea!!

The articles got me thinking about how I have interpreted the communication from others.

Maybe those sarcastic notes over the years weren’t really intended in that way.

I’m going to spend more time considering this with future communications – inbound & outbound.

Your Turn

Do you use emojis in work communication?

Do you believe they can help communicate the intent of a note?

How might this change how you send and receive messages in the future?