You might be thinking….

What is taxonomy?


How does this apply to work?

The definition of taxonomy is the branch of science concerned with classification.

Taxonomy can be used to organize and index knowledge.

The “knowledge” can be anything.

Stored documents.


Marketing content.

And much more.

The taxonomy helps find information and provide structure.

My Perspective

What if we applied taxonomy to our jobs?

We could create a structure for the work we do – email, meetings, presentations, etc.

Another structure could look at the work by project – Project #1, #2, #3, etc.

We could even consider by type of work – trends, brainstorming, implementation, etc.

If we had a structure, there might be a better way to plan our days.

Focusing on work in a single area of the taxonomy might help with focus and ideation.

Structure may sound limiting to some.

The key is to set up the guiderails that work for each of us and our individual strengths.

Your Turn

Does the idea of taxonomy at work get ideas spinning in your head?

Would you lean toward organizing by format, project, or type?

What could you test this week to give the idea a try?