There is a lot written about productivity and finding more time in your days.

We spend a good part of our lives seeking out the elusive time.

What we often don’t hear or read about is what I call “the cliffs”.

These are the moments in our lives where time is suddenly more abundant.

Many moments are tied to raising children.

Especially noted are when they start driving and when they move away from home.

However, these moments also occur when we retire, get laid off, or leave a job.

There is no rulebook and little advice on how to handle these transitions.

My Perspective

At first, it’s like a vacation.

We read. Watch tv. Generally, relax.

Then, the boredom sets in.

I think it’s important to plan for these transitions.

Remember what we used to enjoy – the hobbies, the down time.

We could consider the things we have said we didn’t have time for over the years.

We could take a class, volunteer, or start a side hustle.

We could start to work these activities into little pockets of time before the cliff happens.

We can become the strategists of our own future.

Looking ahead and identifying rough timeframes of the cliffs is a good place to start.

Some of the milestone moments are based on age or event.

They aren’t hard to identify.

Instead of feeling busy all the time, we can enjoy the moments we have now – they will go quickly.

Your Turn

Do you see a life cliff in the next 5 years that will give you time back?

How would you use 2 extra hours each week?  What if it was 5? Or 8?

Are there steps you could take today to prepare for a cliff down the road?