When we think about who we will be at 85, what do we see?

In a financial class I took recently, they mentioned four phases of retirement.


Go Go.

Slow Go.

No Go.

There was something eye opening about this structure.

Then, I heard a podcast that we start our physical and mental decline in our late twenties.

After a little more research, the range seems to be more like our 40s or 50s.

My Perspective

We can’t change the aging process.

However, we can change our approach.

We can focus on extending the honeymoon and go go phases.

Make impacts in our slow go phase.

And find ways to enjoy every day in “no go”.

I shifted my “research” to the positives of the aging process.

Focusing on being inspired by those who are thriving as their best selves in their 80s or 90s.

There was a Mel Robins podcast on her 85-year-old “badass” mother-in-law.

An article on 50 Badass Elderly People.

And who can forget one of my aging icons – the late Iris Apfel.

Aging happens to everyone.

While there will be a lot we can’t control, we can control our perspective.

Your Turn

What is your vision for the life you are leading at 85?

What will you be seen as a “badass” of?

Who are a few people over 80 you aspire to be like someday?