Life is full of tensions.
Gathering input and producing output.
Completing necessary duties and being creative with time to explore.
Spending time alone and enjoying the company of others.
All these things happen both at work and at home.
There is no perfect balance between the tensions.
We each must discover the mix that feels right to us.
My Story
For me, the tensions shifted with the seasons of my life and cycles of projects.
When starting projects, more time is spent gathering input.
Further in, the balance shifts to producing output.
When the kids were young, life was focused on the necessary duties at work and home.
As they got older, the space was available to shift to more exploring and creative endeavors.
The pandemic took us all through a phase of spending more time alone (or with just those in our homes) than we had before or since.
The balance has shifted back to the company of others.
Your Turn
Do you recognize these tensions in your life?
Where does the balance sit right now for a project or life overall?
Is there an area where you feel the tension is pulling too strong to one side?
What might you do to help shift the balance even just a bit?