We have explored hope in our everyday lives.

Broken down the elements of the hope formula:

HOPE = Goals + Willpower + Waypower

How might this formula translate to a team or an organization?

Hope at Work: We can dig into each of the elements of hope and find ways to apply them at work.

This can happen on our immediate team or across the company.

Below is an overview of how to approach each element at work.


The goals are key to setting the direction of the organization and team.  The two areas of goals that can make an impact on your team’s performance are clarity and scope.

Clarity: Clearly define and communicate the goals of the team or organization. Ensure that everyone understands the objectives and what they are working towards.

Scope: Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable milestones to provide a sense of progress and accomplishment.


Willpower ties back to discipline and culture creating the environment for the team to flourish.

Schedules: Timelines and set deadlines will assist the team in the discipline to meet the smaller goals along the path to the larger ones. Holding team members accountable for the deliverables is also an important part to instill willpower across the group.

Culture: Foster a positive and motivated environment within the team. Encourage a strong commitment to the goals and a belief in the team’s ability to achieve them. Recognize and celebrate individual and collective milestones to boost morale and reinforce the team’s willpower.


Teams with waypower are flexible and adopt a growth mindset. This enables them to find different approaches when the project reaches a roadblock.

Flexibility:  Develop adaptive planning processes that allow for adjustments to the plan based on changing circumstances. Allocate resources strategically, considering reserves and contingency plans to support alternative paths.

Growth Mindset:  Foster a culture that values creativity, innovation, and experimentation. Encourage open communication, cross-functional collaboration, and continuous learning.

Your Turn

What does your company or team hope will happen in 2024? 

Do you have the goals, willpower, and waypower in place needed to achieve it?

Which of the three areas is strongest in your company? Which area is the weakest?