The other day, we had a post about nesting being a moment when you plan, clear, and organize. 

In that post, my perspective was that this approach could apply at work during times you change roles or prepare for a new project.

I had an opportunity to experience a bit of nesting around projects yesterday and thought it was the perfect time to share.

My Story

I have been wanting to start the first draft of a book for a few months now. 

The outline is in my head, but I just couldn’t get myself to start putting words on the page.

As I was thinking about nesting, I wondered what would happen if I started planning and organizing instead of writing.

There are A LOT of files (physical and digital) with articles and trend reports that I’ve been collecting. 

The files weren’t in a single location, and they weren’t anywhere close to organized.

I got started……and couldn’t stop….in the end I spent 4 HOURS categorizing and organizing the files.

The more I organized, the more the flow of the book started to emerge.

The nesting has snapped me out of the creative rut.

I was stuck under the overwhelm of information and couldn’t find the way forward to write.

The path is now clear, and the writing has begun.

Your Turn

Do you have a project you have been avoiding?

How could you do some nesting to get you unstuck?

Is there something you could organize or an overall plan you could develop?