Yesterday, the focus was on willpower.

Today, we move to the second element of hope needed to meet our goals – waypower.

Charles Snyder, the psychologist and hope researcher who developed the hope formula defines waypower as our “ability to find new pathways to reach a goal”.

Our waypower defines possibilities, if one approach doesn’t work, we have a plan B to consider.

We monitor the progress and don’t give up if our current path stops working.

Waypower is our adaptability to keep going.

My Perspective

When I consider waypower, I’ve seen people struggle when they need to pivot from the original plan.

There are multiple challenges along the way.

To combat the challenges, we can work on four areas:

Develop a resilient mindset and view our setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. When something doesn’t work, it’s not time to give up, it’s time be persistent find other options.

Learn the practice of strategic planning – break goals into manageable steps, create plans to meet the goals, and be prepared to adjust along the way as performance results come in.

Embrace adaptability – Change is a natural part of any journey. We need to embrace the changes and leverage our adaptability to navigate challenges and take advantage of new opportunities.

Your Turn

Do you have strong or weak waypower?

When your waypower falters, what is typically the cause?

What do you do to get back on track when you’ve fallen off course?