Welcome to 2024!

This is the day we consider our dreams for the year ahead.

The slate is clean.

The year is full of hope and possibilities.

“There is nothing magical about the flip of the calendar, but it represents a clean break, a new hope, and a blank canvas.”

– Jason Sonoski

My Perspective

All year, we will be pulled by priorities.

Today is the quiet day before “life” starts back up.

A day to take a breath and consider what we want from the year ahead.

How do we want to feel in December?

The path to that feeling – HOPE.

Remember the formula:

Hope = Goals + Willpower (agency to make it happen) + Waypower (alternative paths)

Hope starts with a goal.

Today, we have the opportunity to to consider the possibilities of 2024.

Those possibilities can turn into a goal.

The goal is the first step.

I start this year with a hope that all of you can discover the path to your dreams.

Your Turn

What possibilities are you considering for 2024?

How do you want to feel in December?

What is one goal that could be the start of personal hope for the year ahead?