Welcome to the Saturday post. Below is a quick recap of what was covered on both the personal development and sustainability blogs this week as well as some podcasts that inspired me. Enjoy!

Personal Development

Below is a summary of the personal development blog posts this week with links in case you want to dig in and learn more. 

Merry Christmas. The week began with a simple holiday greeting.

2023 Reflection – Year of Allow.  My word of the year was “allow”.  This post describes the background of selecting a word of the year and how my word played out in my life in 2023.

Word of the Year. In this post, I shift to provide a framework for you to select your word for 2024. The post includes a list of 200 words for inspiration.

15-Minute Project – Q4 Update. This post reflects on my project.  I give an overview of what was accomplished in just 15 minutes a day.  I hope this post inspires you to consider a project of your own.

New Year – Resolutions, Goals, or Aims? The final post of the year investigates the difference between a resolution, a goal, and an aim.  As you look to 2024, pick one and go with it.

One Shade Greener

This week, there wasn’t a new post on the blog. 

I’ve been reflecting on the year past and making plans for the year ahead.  One of my proudest moments of the year was the release of One Shade Greener at Home.  I hesitate to call it a “book” as it isn’t meant to be read cover to cover.  It’s a resource guide to use as you move at your own pace to make your home one shade greener.

As we move into the new year, if you or someone you know is starting their journey to reduce toxins, lighten their impact, and live simpler, please share that this resource is available.


This week, there are five podcasts on the list.  Enjoy!

Daily Habits of a Longevity Expert. 14 minutes. TED Radio Hour. As many of us consider health related resolutions for the new year, this podcast suggests that changing our environment – surroundings and people around us – is a better way to approach longevity vs. a diet, supplements, & exercise.

Do Your Processes Reflect Your Past or Your Present? 4 minutes. Before Breakfast. The new year is a great time to reflect on your processes and look for opportunities to update to better fit your current life.

Build in Life Maintenance Time. 6 minutes. Before Breakfast. We can often forget the time we need to maintain our lives. It’s all the little things that start to add up. Scheduling time helps us manage.

Why Businesses Need a Dreamer’s Magic and a Doer’s Realism. 11 minutes. TED Talks Daily. This is a great reminder that diversity of all kinds makes teams better.  In this case, the difference is ideation and action. Celebrate both.

Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age. 17 minutes. The Next Big Idea Daily. This is a great discussion of engaging with the world around us and reminding ourselves how to be creative.  Enchantment is a process and all about questing.