I’ve been thinking about the process moving from an overwhelming life to a life where we are thriving.

Over the years, books, podcasts, and research have shaped my life on my own journey.

There is no magic solution.

No one size fits all process.

Things that work for one person don’t work for others.

Yet, persistence and a desire to change are at the center.

My Perspective

The path starts with overwhelm and chaos.

We are taking small steps to stabilize the situation.

Not getting better, but not getting worse.

From there, we seek sustainability.

Finding the space to design a life we can maintain over time.

With this step, we start to see more happiness in our day to day lives.

Moving past sustainability is a state where we find some space.

Here we can connect with our inner self, our soul, and our creativity.

This is where the thriving begins.

We bring new ideas and innovation to all areas of our lives.

Connections deepen.

We find joy and peace. 

Life still brings us challenges, but we are better equipped to handle them.

Your Turn

Where are you on the continuum from overwhelmed to thriving?

What small steps are you taking to move to the next level?

Do you feel a connection to your inner self and your creativity?